Easiest Banana Pancake

If you’re on the hunt for the easiest, healthiest, tastiest breakfast for you and your family (my 7 month-old and 2 year old LOVE these), then stop looking because you’ve found it! The Easiest Banana Pancake has been a staple breakfast for me for over a decade. Tasty, healthy, easy. You’ll love it!
Easiest Banana Pancake
I’ve been making this for breakfast since college. One of my college roommates showed it to me. My mind was blown that two ingredients (4 if you make my fancy version) could produce an actual pancake! The first time I fed it to my 7-month-old, he ate it as fast as me. Also, this pancake always fills the house with the best smell. Needless to say, it continues to be a staple breakfast in our home. I hope it becomes one in yours, too!
Ingredients: 1 banana. 2 eggs.

The basic recipe for this pancake is simply one banana, and two eggs. I always spruce it up a little by adding some quick oats and cinnamon. The quick oats help with the texture, and make it a little heartier. I love cinnamon and add it to pretty much whatever I can!
Tip #1: The Just-Ripe Banana
The ripeness of the banana really matters! You do NOT need banana bread bananas for this recipe. The perfect banana to use for your banana pancake is yellow, with a little bit of green still left. If there is no green and the banana has started to brown, you will be left with a mushy, non-flippable, scrambled pancake (it happens to the best of us). I do have a trick if you only have a partially browned banana. Add a tablespoon of a flour of your choice, and that will help the pancake hold together well to still give you a great result.
Tip #2: Use quick oats, not rolled oats
I’ve learned this the hard way! Rolled oats will not cook long enough in order to become soft. You will be left with hard lumps in your pancake that are very unpleasant. Save yourself the wasted pancake, and use quick oats if you opt to use oats.
Tip #3: Butter that pan!
I’ve also learned this the hard way many times. This pancake can be a little difficult to flip without it breaking apart. One way to help avoid a scrambled mess (although, the scrambled mess still tastes amazing), is to make sure your skillet is very non-stick. In addition to this, make sure the melted butter/cooking spray is covering the entire bottom of the skillet. This will ensure for easy flipping, and banana-pancake-success!
Tip #4: Banana Pancake for Baby-Led Weaning
Skip this tip if you’re not a mom of littles!
If you’re doing Baby-Led Weaning with your little one, this recipe is a great way to introduce egg and oats. The consistency of the pancake is great for babies to munch on. I serve it to my 7-month old in larger chunks, about the width and length of 3 fingers. If you make more than one pancake at a time, they save well in the fridge for 1-2 days. I pull them out as a snack for my little guy and he loves it!
Side note: If you’re curious about BLW and don’t have the “Solid Starts” app, download it now! I would not know enough to do Baby-Led Weaning without this app. SO helpful.

Easiest Banana Pancake
- 1 banana
- 2 eggs
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon (optional)
- 2 tbsp quick oats (optional)
- 1 tbsp flour of your choice (optional)
- 1 tbsp butter or cooking spray
- Start by heating a medium-large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Using a fork, mush the banana in a bowl until there are no chunks left.
- Add the 2 eggs (and cinnamon, flour, and oats if using). Beat and mix with a fork until thoroughly combined.
- Melt the butter in the skillet (or spray with cooking spray). Once melted, pour in the batter. This recipe makes 1 large pancake, so it will take up most of the surface of the pan.
- Let cook for 3-4 minutes. Using a spatula, lift up a small part of the pancake. It is ready to flip when the bottom is a light brown color, and the pancake feels firm enough to flip.
- Quickly and with confidence, flip the pancake over with a spatula. Cook for about 1-2 more minutes until cooked through.
- Top with your favorite nut butter, sliced fruit, and syrup.