Start by heating a medium-large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Using a fork, mush the banana in a bowl until there are no chunks left.
Add the 2 eggs (and cinnamon, flour, and oats if using). Beat and mix with a fork until thoroughly combined.
Melt the butter in the skillet (or spray with cooking spray). Once melted, pour in the batter. This recipe makes 1 large pancake, so it will take up most of the surface of the pan.
Let cook for 3-4 minutes. Using a spatula, lift up a small part of the pancake. It is ready to flip when the bottom is a light brown color, and the pancake feels firm enough to flip.
Quickly and with confidence, flip the pancake over with a spatula. Cook for about 1-2 more minutes until cooked through.
Top with your favorite nut butter, sliced fruit, and syrup.